Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Melamine Egg Scare

So two people commented on my Facebook page about melamine found in eggs from China in Hong Kong. I'd eaten eggs all last week, and I have no idea if they're from China, but I swear, EVERYTHING from China is tainted. I've heard stories about oranges pumped with sugar water to enhance the taste and all sorts of crazy additives that probably aren't good for us. While I'm weary about everything I eat, I haven't really changed my eating habits to avoid dairy products or anything else. It's funny, the week it came out that melamine was found in Lotte koala biscuits, I had been eating those all that week as well. It makes me wonder what kinds of poison I'm putting in my body. It makes me angry that people are that greedy that they're willing to endanger human beings in order to make an extra buck.

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