Saturday, October 4, 2008

XDR-TB: The Killer People Don't Talk About

I saw the James Nachtwey photo essay in Causeway Bay last night. It's about XDR-TB, a drug-resistant form of tuberculosis. XDR-TB is found in 49 countries and is blamed for more than 20,000 PREVENTABLE deaths annually. Most cases take place in third world countries, where access to adequate medical care is below par.

Check out the photo essay here.

Please check out and help however you can, whether it's signing the petition, spreading the story or donating your money. Thank you!

UPDATE: I've made it even easier for you to see the slideshow. Scroll down and watch it in the post below.

1 comment:

moneymelon said...

Hi Ann,

Just came across your blog and watched the slideshow. Thanks for sharing and making me aware... Hope you are enjoying Hong Kong, and look forward to reading about your adventures!
