Saturday, August 30, 2008

Meet Matilda

Before I went to Hong Kong I messaged a bunch of people on about possibly crashing on their couch for a few days. Matilda, a native of Hong Kong, responded, and she has been great! She met me for lunch my first day, where I also met her boyfriend Chris, then she helped me lug my heavy suitcase all the way to their apartment in New Territories, then she helped me search for an apartment over the Internet. She gave me all kinds of advice—whether the area was good for me, if the ad sounded fishy, if the apartment looked decent. Then, we went swimming and she even taught me how to tread water! I swear, I'm going to finally learn how to tread water before I leave Asia!!! I'm so thankful I met her. I would be so lost without her!


Warm n Wonderful said...

Any luck finding a place to live yet?

Ann said...

Unfortunately no...I want a place that feels like home. I've looked at two spots and neither of them feel right. There are no places like craigslist either where everybody posts for roommates. I'm looking at a place on Sunday...hopefully I'll find something soon!