Sunday, August 31, 2008

This is Where the Domestic Workers Hang Out

I got lost and missed my stop and stepped out at Exchange Square, and I saw the strangest sight. The foot paths and foot bridges were lined with endless groups of Filipino women, all domestic workers, sitting on cardboard boxes and straw mats. They were laughing, playing cards, painting their nails, eating, napping, showing each other photos—basically hanging out on a Sunday afternoon. They didn't look homeless or destitute, so I asked somebody what they were doing there. The woman I asked explained that on their day off that they hang out there because they don't have their own homes; they all live with their employers. The women looked like they were enjoying themselves, they were not ashamed to be hanging out along these foot paths on a Sunday afternoon. I couldn't help but feel guilty—guilty because I am educated, guilty because I've had more opportunities, guilty for being an American. I guess I felt strange because who knows what would have happened if my parents never immigrated to America. Would I be hanging out on these foot paths on a Sunday afternoon with my friends?


Just Joy said...

Dude, not sure if I'd be content chillin' with

Dataestética said...

in Chile (at least Santiago), most domestic workers are from Peru and they were totally discriminated against. the bad thing is...when they actually lived up to those expectations.
the good thing is, these women are sharing a laugh and most likely helping each other along the way. most people migrate because they want something they can't get in their country. this women are trying to get ahead too.